Thermostat Problems That Hinder The Performance Of The Heating System

Your heating system uses the thermostat to display the current room temperature. As such, you can adjust the temperature to a specific point. However, you may experience uneven heating when your thermostat malfunctions. Note that this may result from the system sustaining age-related deterioration, hindering its effectiveness. Therefore, you should engage a heating expert to inspect your unit and remedy the underlying malfunction for maximum temperature control. The following are problems you may experience with your system's thermostat. 

Dust and Dirt Accumulation

Dirt and other airborne debris can build up around the thermostat. Over time, the debris can infiltrate the device, causing it to malfunction. You should know that since the thermostat is a delicate device, dirt accumulation can hinder the sensor's operation, leading to inaccurate readings. Ultimately, this will lead to poor temperature control, creating hot and cold spots in your home. So, if you suspect your device has dirt buildup, call an HVAC expert to clean the metal strips. Moreover, they will look for corrosion and remove it using an electronic contact cleaner.

Wrong Placement

A thermostat is a sensitive tool that is affected by temperature changes. Therefore, placing it in drafty spots, such as entry points, can affect the readings. Furthermore, locating the thermostat near direct sunlight can result in erroneous readings. Note that this may result in the device reading the house warmer than it is, causing it not to reach the set temperature. On the other hand, the lack of leveling of a mercury bulb thermostat may cause irregular heating cycles. As such, you should mount your thermostat at a spot without significant temperature fluctuations for optimal functionality.

The Device Is Not Working

Power surges and short circuits in your home can lead to a defective thermostat. This is because the wiring to the thermostat can burn, hindering the current flow that powers it. In addition, the circuit breaker can trip, rendering the thermostat inoperable. Alternatively, climate control will not function if your thermostat batteries die. Thus, it is wise to hire an HVAC contractor to rectify the electrical malfunction and restore power to the device.

Heat Anticipator Is Off

The heat anticipator fine-tunes the point at which the thermostat turns off the system's burners. However, the wrong calibration can lead to the heating unit's short cycling. As a result, you will notice inconsistent temperatures across your house. Therefore, you should adjust the heat anticipator and ensure proper calibration and settings to prevent extreme temperature swings.

As you can see, a defective thermostat will restrict your system's performance. Thus, you ought to schedule routine tune-ups with an HVAC technician to ensure your air conditioning equipment operates at peak efficiency.

Contact a local HVAC service to learn more. 
