Essential Tips To Maintain Your Home's Central AC System

Regular maintenance of your home's central air conditioning system is a critical aspect of keeping your home in good condition. While conventional maintenance tasks such as filter replacement and annual inspections are well-known, several less commonly known types of maintenance are needed. Tip: Regularly Inspect And Clean Your Condensate Drain Line The condensate drain line plays a vital role in your central AC system. Regular inspection and cleaning of the drain line are necessary to avoid clogging issues and ensure efficient system performance. [Read More]

Does Your Furnace Need Servicing? 3 Signs It's Time

Your furnace is going to need to be serviced from time to time, and it will not run for very long without some sort of maintenance. If you aren't maintaining your system, you may end up with a breakdown over time. If you find that your system is not running as it once did, it may be time to have it serviced. If you aren't sure when to have your system serviced, or just get a good maintenance once-over, read on for some signs that it may be time. [Read More]

4 Common Furnace Problems A Furnace Repairs Expert Can Fix

A furnace always comes in handy when you badly need extra warmth during the cold season. It can be frustrating when your furnace malfunctions and can't serve your household as it should.  While you might need to replace your furnace when it incurs damage beyond repair, you can fix some problems and continue enjoying a warm home.  Check your furnace for any of the following problems and hire a furnace repair expert to fix the unit. [Read More]

What To Do If Your Water Main Valve Won't Turn

Plumbers often recommend that homeowners locate their water main valve so they know how to turn it off in an emergency, such as if there is a major water leak. It's actually a good idea to go one step further than just locating the water main valve. You should also try to turn it. If it gets stuck, that is something to address before you're in an emergency. Here's what you should do about a stuck water main valve. [Read More]